Sep 16Liked by Joel Stein

Dear Joel, this is no joke. And the only reason the insurance problem isn’t a national crisis on the level of World War III is because people are afraid to talk about it because it will affect the housing market. If the Democrats could come up with a way of dealing with this catastrophe before the election, they will be a shoe-in. LOL The only other problem that comes close to insurance-collapse is the scandle of the unregulated, homeowners-association management companies that can do whatever they want with association funds because NO ONE is watching. Also not discussed because —surprise! — no one wants to disturb the housing market. You are correct in your assessment that the shit has now hit the fan.

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Condolences from Canada. We are watching your election, utterly gobsmacked at the news that it's 'close', especially after the debate, which frankly, made our little watch party laugh out loud, though admittedly, there was a note of hysteria in our chorus. We know our American neighbours are in fact, just like us, only you've been under a pressure we can't imagine, and imho, it's made roughly half of you either 1) crazy with fear or 2) determined to keep your tax breaks, even if it spells disaster. Good luck, we're rooting for you!

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Sep 16Liked by Joel Stein

Oof, enough with the AI art please.

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This is the comment that hurts the most.

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